G. Artés

"Creando arte para inspirar".

About me

I was born in Cartagena, a Mediterranean city, where blue is very blue and colors acquire an enveloping force. 

I like simple things and reaching people through colors and shapes. I am inspired by nature, in all its forms, and I try to extrapolate its beauty to the canvas, so that if you take one of my works home, you can enjoy the same thing that inspired me. 

 Sometimes I use macro images to appreciate all the details of a plant, a flower. Other times it is people who transmit a feeling to me that I capture on the canvas, always with a message, a concept. 

 My last individual exhibitions were "VIDA", with a message about the good things that surround us and that are sometimes difficult to see, and the other was "ELLAS", dedicated to incredible women, who at a given moment, saved me from monotony. 

 I invite you to stroll through my universe, to get to know me through my works and to explore, together with you, this wonderful universe of which we are a part. 

If you want to get in touch with me, write to me at: gelesconesaartes@gmail.com and we'll talk.


Mi dirección

Cartagena (Murcia)


(+34) 677504045



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